Closet trick

Laundry, laundry, laundry.  Sometimes  you need to hit the dry cleaner, sometimes a soak in the sink with light detergent does the trick.  Clothes always need to be cleaned and it can seem never ending.  So I wanted to share a very simple trick I use in my closet to keep track of what's recently cleaned, what has been gently worn, and what needs to hit the laundry hamper.

You might notice that the paisley tank I have my hand on (above pic) is hanging inside out.  Same with the purple shirt below, and the gray leopard print sweatshirt (two down).

So my trick is very simple.  If it's hanging in the closet correctly, it's clean.  If it's inside out on the hanger, I've worn it once.  This way, I know after that second wear, it's time to hit the laundry again.  Hope this practical tip helps reduce your laundry load this week :)


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