Yay for Friday - Hair Cut and Color!

You know how on the day of your hair cut and color appointment, you tend to browse Pinterest and the web for a new look?  Today I googled "medium length haircuts" and came up with a few ideas.

I don't think the ombré style ever went away, but it definitely tamed down for a while, and now I feel like it's completely back.

I love Heidi Klum!
I love this cut on her with the exception of the bangs.

Jennifer Anniston has the best hair, doesn't she?  
Even during 1998 when she was doing Friends, I loved it then too.

I really love this hair color. 
It helps that Jessica Alba is gorgeous, but this is the color I am looking for.

Ok, so I am in the seat. Glass of wine in my hand, 
and all of these pics are in my stylist's hands.

Here we go!  
Never a full foil, just some piecy highlights is all I really need, 
then a nice updated base color.

And ta-dah!

My stylist (message me if you want her info, I love her) used a razor for this cut 
as opposed to traditional sheers.
She brought the back up about a half inch higher than the front.  
Then she added longer layers.

What do you think?  
Three inches off!

I love the way it falls behind my ears.  
Just a nice, easy to do, doo.

Happy weekend!!
